Friday, September 26, 2008

As I write this, my heart is breaking for Krissy, Dru and little Peyton. Peyton went to the O.R. today, and the doctors found that she has a highly-aggressive fungal infection, which basically destroys tissues from the inside. It is in her nostrils, and the doctors fear, also in her eye, brain and possibly lungs. We will know how far the infection has spread on Monday. This infection is fast-acting and highly invasive. Oh my God. I can't make any sense of this. None of us can. It is so unfair. Why does this have to happen to this beautiful, innocent baby? Please pray for Krissy, Dru and Peyton. We are all so incredibly sad for Peyton but so worried for my sister and Dru. No one should have to feel such a crushing grief like this. I am so sorry, but I can't even type anymore.


Karen said...

Please GOD help them!! I am praying that this fungal infection does not spead anymore than it has. My heart goes out to all of you! Please someone call me to let me know how they are doing!!!

Js_Mommie said...

Krissy and Dru,
Don't give up hope just yet. The Lord has a miracle for every person for sometime in their lives. I give Peyton mine.
