Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hello. Not much new to report here. Someone from the lab came to see Krissy and Dru today and told them not to give up hope yet. They have started Peyton on a very strong medication to try to treat this infection. In addition, they have been giving Peyton morphine every 1 to 3 hours as needed to keep her comfortable. My sister and Dru were trying to be hopeful today that the medication for the infection will be the miracle drug she needs. This emotional roller coaster is so hard. One minute you're down, the next you're up, and then down again. They won't really know much more until Monday. At that point, all the cultures will have come back so that they will know for sure exactly which infection Peyton has and how far it has spread.


Michelle R. Coraggio said...

We will all keep praying for lil Peyton. There is another miracle waiting in the wings for this precious little girl. Her first miracle was waiting an extra week to come out of her mommies belly. Even after Kristin was induced several times!!! So I know there is another one that will also save her life. One that will clear up her infection and strenghten her liver. One that will take her cancer from her and let her grow up happy and healthy. Be strong and don't give up hope. Peyton may be so tiny but she is so strong to have come as far as she has. I will not stop praying until she is home with her parents. I love you guys. God bless you all.


Anonymous said...

Peyton is a true fighter, one to be honored, a divine miracle. Our hearts go out to all of you. Remain strong and optimistic. Everything will flow as it should-- lovingly. Trust that this is the way life is, don't lose sight of love, and it will always be with you.

A rainbow always follows a storm...

<3 Chris and Deb

Jimena said...

Hope is the last thing to loose.
Peyton (and Krissy and Dru) deserve we all trust she can come out of this. If we loose hope, we are giving up on her and THAT my friends, is not going to happen.

Love to you all reading this.

sunnydeveloper said...

smpraying for this baby. There is always hope. ALWAYS. Always, always - there is hope.
As a mother of babe who has overcome a moment such as this - never give up.