Friday, September 26, 2008

Peyton came out of surgery, and as of 7:30 pm last night, was sleeping and recovering. She got a new line in her leg, which was placed right where her diaper meets her inner thigh. Unfortunately, this makes it a scary area in terms of being prone to infection. However, if her staph clears she can get a new broviac in a few days and take this diaper-area line out. Peyton's voice is hoarse again, from the intubation and they have moved her feeding tube to the other nostril because she developed a "clogged tear duct-type infection" on her right side, which they believe may have been caused by the tube's original placement. Krissy was a litle sad to think that Peyton just had this surgery and in a few days will go back to the OR. But Peyton is one tough cookie and has been putting up an amazing fight to beat this cancer. Krissy and Dru are both so relieved to have made it to day 15 of treatment, and are happy that Peyton has had two whole weeks without cancer cells in the cerebrospinal fluid, despite not having all of her meds. Anyway, last night Krissy and Dru were pretty exhausted. They were still recovering from Wednesday night, when they didn't get home and to bed until after 2am... and were extra exhausted from the stress of her going into surgery again. So hopefully they got a better night's sleep last night.

Oh, and I forgot to add that yesterday, Krissy and Dru found out exactly how rare Peyton's cancer is. While infant ALL is one in 5 million, there is only one other baby in the United States who was diagnosed with this cancer at birth and is going through the same treatment protocol as Peyton. This other baby is on the West coast somewhere and is about 3 weeks older than Peyton. Peyton's team of doctors has been in touch with the other baby's doctors, and they have been using each other as a valuable resource, to bounce ideas off of, try new things, etc. I wish there were some way that Krissy and Dru could be in contact with the other family, and Krissy and Dru wish this too....but, unfortunately I don't think that privacy laws allow this. Maybe that other family will stumble upon this blog....?

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